Tour de Famelon (first tier - 2138m) Sponsorship
Your sponsorship will be acknowledged across our conference marketing channels (all sponsors):
- promotional emails and newsletters;
- any social media posts;
- website conference page/s
- conference programme
- Sponsors will be acknowledged and highlighted in opening remarks
- Sponsors will be announced in a pre-conference mailing from the Board to named head teachers of member schools and thanked in a similar post-conference mailing
CHF 1000
Tour de Mayen (second tier - 2326m) Sponsorship
Lunch-time entertainment, a catering event or a speaker
- Benefits listed above plus...
One of:
- Sponsor name assigned to lunch-time entertainment event staged by member school student bodies (lunchtime entertainment sponsor);
- Sponsor name assigned to (may display banner) a catering event (catering sponsors only). Limited to a lunch or morning/afternoon refreshment break; does not include conference dinner.
- Sponsor name assigned to a speaker, and mentioned in the speaker's introduction (speaker sponsors only)
- Preferred choice of table/display location
- Opportunity of a presentation slot in the conference programme (late morning/early afternoon, Friday)
CHF 2000
Tour d'Aï Sponsorship (2331m) (just one available)
- All of Tour de Famelon plus:
- Preferred choice of table/display location
- Opportunity of a presentation slot in the conference programme (late morning/early afternoon, Friday)
- Face time with school leaders at pre-conference heads meeting on Thursday 6th March
- Opportunity to take stage and make brief introductory remarks during conference opening on Friday morning 7th March
- Opportunity to address attendees of conference dinner on Friday evening 7th March
CHF 5000